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Asset Tracking

Most modern and comprehensive product line.

Track down real time locations of your assets anytime and anywhere from most internet ready devices. Our simple asset tracking solutions insures you full control over your valued assets as well as your employees. It is well researched that a company with tracked vehicles improve productivity and efficiency. With our asset trackers, you can choose certain types of GPS tracking devices that suit to you. The basic type sends you a simple Google map link of the location directly to your mobile phone which is perfect for rental companies of all sorts. While the other type gives you full real time tracking showing you the exact location and time of where the asset has been and much more.

There are many benefits depending on the type of business, but here are some common ones:

   Keeping your assets safe from being stolen and lost
   Increase efficiency - knowing locations of each asset
   Increase productivity - employee knowing they would be checked on
   Cost savings - knowing the nearest asset
   Increase efficiency & productivity
   Various reports and dashboard monitoring your assets